Finding What You’re Looking For

A few weeks ago I noticed that despite the large number of Merganser ducks I’ve seen recently, I’d never seen a male Common Merganser, making me wonder just how common it can really be.

So, when I saw this guy at a distance Friday

I thought I was finally going to get the shot I’d been hoping for. Unfortunately, as elegant as he is, he is a male Red-Breasted Merganser, not a male Common Merganser.

Today, though, I managed to find my male Common Merganser

though he was across the river at Belfair and seemed unwilling to have his picture taken. As it turns out, I actually prefer this flying shot, one that shows his colors well.

Considering how often lately I’ve ended up getting a picture that I particularly wanted to get, perhaps I should set my sights just a touch higher.

American Bittern

When I awakened to sunshine this morning, I decided today was the day to revisit Nisqually Refuge since I hadn’t been there in over two weeks.

Despite the calendar, spring was definitely in the air as I was greeted by multiple bird songs, one of them by this little bird, clearly demonstrating why it’s called a Song Sparrow:

As I walked along I felt like I’d been dropped into Disney’s Song of the South.

When I encountered this little American Bittern beside the trail, though, I wondered if I hadn’t really been dropped into the Twilight Zone as I watched it transform itself. When I first saw it, it was so squat and so short that I didn’t immediately recognize it as a Bittern.

It was apparently trying to scare me with it’s size, and, though it didn’t manage that, it did give me a bit of a shock when it suddenly became very tall as it moved away:

However, when I returned to the same spot nearly four hours later, it appeared perfectly normal, apparently pretending to be a small bunch of reeds:

I’m constantly amazed by my encounters with nature, even when it’s an encounter with an animal that I mistakenly assume that I’m familiar with.

Rexroth’s “The Wheel Revolves

It’s a good thing The Collected Shorter Poems of Kenneth Rexroth began with a selection of his later poems or I might have stopped reading before I started because I dislike his early poems, which the promotional copy on the cover describes as written in “the disassociative style — sometimes called ‘literary cubism’— developed by Mallarme´, Appollinaire, and Reverdy. This was not free association, but the conscious disassociation and recombination of elements of the poem to achieve the highest possible level of significance� — not to mention the highest possible level of confusion.

I have more than enough confusion in my life already. I don’t need more confusion in my life, nor do I need to be reminded that much of life doesn’t make sense — I have an increasing number of weird dreams lately to remind me of that.

Luckily, I loved a couple of his last poems included at the beginning of this collection. My favorite was:


You were a girl of satin and gauze
Now you are my mountain and waterfall companion.
Long ago I read those lines of Po Chu I
Written in his middle age.
Young as I was they touched me.
I never thought in my own middle age
I would have a beautiful young dancer
To wander with me by falling crystal waters,
Among mountains of snow and granite,
Least of all that unlike Po’s girl
She would be my very daughter.

The earth turns towards the sun.
Summer comes to the mountains.
Blue grouse drum in the red fir woods
All the bright long days.
You put blue jay and flicker feathers
In your hair.
Two and two violet green swallows
Play over the lake.
The blue birds have come back
To nest on the little island.
The swallows sip water on the wing
And play at love and dodge and swoop
just like the swallows that swirl
Under and over the Ponte \Tecchio.
Light rain crosses the lake
Hissing faintly. After the rain
There are giant puffballs with tortoise shell backs
At the edge of the meadow.
Snows of a thousand winters
Melt in the sun of one summer.
Wild cyclamen bloom by the stream.
Trout veer in the transparent current.
In the evening marmots bark in the rocks.
The Scorpion curls over the glimmering ice field.

A white crowned night sparrow sings as the moon
Thunder growls far off.
Our campfire is a single light
Amongst a hundred peaks and waterfalls.
The manifold voices of falling water
Talk all night.
Wrapped in your down bag
Starlight on your cheeks and eyelids
Your breath comes and goes
In a tiny cloud in the frosty night.
Ten thousand birds sing in the sunrise.
Ten thousand years revolve without change.
All this will never be again.

Part of the appeal in this poem is the allusion to Po Chu I. I’ve wanted to read some new Chinese poets lately, particularly Taoist poets. Reading about Rexroth, I discovered he had been one of the early translators of Chinese poetry, and I ordered two of his books.

More importantly, though, the poem reminds me of the pleasure I felt when my daughter and son used to hike and backpack with me when they were young. Heck, it even reminded me of last weekend’s hike with Zoe, Logan and her parents.

There’s something very special about spending a fleeting moment with young children in the mountains. Though I doubt ever thought of it in exactly these terms, unconsciously I must have felt feel the tension between this fleeting moment and the eternal quality of the surrounding mountains. While it’s sad if you only realize this while looking back at old photographs, it’s liberating, if not enlightening, if you realize it at the very moment it’s happening since it forces you to savor the moment.