Ft. Lagler

Now that I’ve returned from my Vancouver appointment and the rains have returned, I finally had the time to sort, pick, and polish my favorite shots from Sunday’s trip to Ft. Lagler, an annual event for me an Leslie.

It was glorious weather once again, as testified by the number of people on the beach, but some of that sunshine is reflected on the breast of this Pelagic Cormorant:

Pelagic Cormorants

Most people around here think these cormorants are black, not green, and understandably so because most varieties are black and seldom see Pelagic under this kind of lighting conditions.

This is also the first time I’ve seen loons this season, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a loon stand up and display like this Common Loon is doing:

Common Loon

The main reason I return to Ft. Lagler year after year, though is to see the Harlequin Ducks,

Three Harelquin Ducks

the only place I see them consistently. They weren’t in their usual place and I’d thought I’d missed seeing them until I got to the end of the spit and ran into a small flock splashing wildly in the shallow water. Of course, they started drifting away as I began to set up my tripod, but I would have felt blessed to have merely seen them if I hadn’t managed to get a photo at all.