I’ve Been Remiss

About much more than I’ll ever admit to, obviously, but I’m specifically referring to my failure to update my Blogroll since WordPress crashed the theme Shelley Powers had created for me several months ago.

I have many excuses for not doing so, primarily frustration that I was unable to order the list the way I had previously done, from earliest links to most recent links. If I’d been able to do that I’m convinced I would have been able to get the blogroll completed rather rapidly.

When I started blogging I always used my blogroll to visit other sites, which also happened to be a lot less than there are now. However, in recent years I’ve been using NetNewsWire to read blog entries. As a result, I have two lists of blogs which have evolved rather differently over the last year or two, something I wasn’t conscious of until quite recently.

It turns out that my original blogroll contained many blogs that haven’t published in months. Since NetNewsWire only provides recent updates, these blogs ended up getting lost in the crowd, which wasn’t too much of problem because if they did update their site, even after a year’s delay, I would receive the new entry. However, when I went to reconstruct my blogroll I had to decide whether to include these sites or not, not always an easy decision since I think it defeats the purpose of a blogroll to have dead links.

I also discovered that several bloggers have changed their sites over time and I always managed to update those in NewNewsWire but not in my blogroll. So comparing lists didn’t always make sense.

I’ve mentioned several times that I’m an INFTP on the Briggs-Meyer scale, which means by definition that I am not into details, particularly fine details. I dreaded the hours of work it took to actually make and check the blogroll, especially since I plan on exploring some different ways of presenting it in the near future. Luckily, there are WordPress plugins that should be able to help me with that and I won’t have to retype the old list. I can guarantee that any changes that involve retyping will not be taking place in the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile, if you’re a blogger who links to me and I’ve left you off the list let me know and I’ll be more than happy to add you to the list.

If you’ve really been paying attention to the list, you’ll notice that I went back and took of the brief descriptions I’d started adding to sites, since I couldn’t decide how to describe far too many blogs I link to.

Oh, and I’ve even managed to update my site to the latest version of WordPress.

Full Bloom

It’s even hard for me to believe, but I think the Point Defiance gardens might well be more beautiful now than at any other time of the year. Our four weeks of sunshine have allowed the roses to last longer than I can ever remember,

Red Rose

the dahlias are finally all full bloom,

Red and Yellow Dahlia

as well as the fuchsias,


where you’re apt to see


hummingbirds if you stand around admiring the fuchsia’s for any length of time.

The Unexpected

I went to the beach in order to try out my new 500/700mm lens, and I certainly managed to get some shots that I would never have gotten with my old 400mm lens, like this one of a Lesser Yellowlegs with a small fish in its beak

Yellowlegs With Catch

and all of the shots I featured yesterday.

It seems ironical, though, that some of my favorite shots from the day were taken with my 400mm telephoto, the one I carried at the ready while my 500mm lens was in the pack strapped to my back because it is impossible to carry a 500/700mm lens at the ready for half a mile or so, especially since it has to be mounted on a tripod.

For instance, I’ve rarely seen a Turnstone and didn’t have time to get my 500mm lens out to get a shot of this one when Ruth Sullivan spotted it on the beach:

non-breeding Turnstone

Nor did I have time to get out my new lens when this endangered Snowy Plover unexpectedly showed up on the ground next to me as I was walking from the beach back to the pond on Midway Beach:

Snowy Plover

Of course, I would have gotten a much better shot if I’d had time to set my new lens up because this little guy had to be blown up considerably to get it this size. Still, I’d never have managed to get a shot at all of this rare bird if I’d had to get set up.

I certainly would have missed this shot of this Peregrine Falcon that swooped down on the pond in front of us just as we walked up if I hadn’t my trusty 400mm lens at the ready.

Peregrine Falcon

All of this somehow reminds me of John Lennon’s “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” 

Black-Bellied Plovers

I took my new, very expensive 500mm lens to the beach on Monday in hopes of taking advantage of our recent sunshine and the beginning of the bird migration. Needless to say, it wasn’t sunny except for a very short length of time, as the heat inland drew moisture off the ocean, causing low clouds until about 4:30 and we headed home.

To make it even more frustrating, their were actually a good showing of birds, particularly at Bottle Beach. Despite the weather I managed to get a couple of shots I liked, particularly after I Apertured and Photoshoped them, making them appear much brighter than they really appeared to the human eye.

Here’s the best shot I’ve ever managed to get of a Black-bellied Plover, a shy bird that always kept it’s distance and actually first made me want a 500mm lens,

Black-bellied Plover

another shot of a flock of them flying by,

Black-Bellied Plovers in Flight

and my favorite shot of the day.

Birds on Sandbar