Finally, Some Sunshine

Although the sunshine was the most notable part of Sunday’s walk at Belfair, the large number of Great Blue Herons’ standing around sunning themselves were pretty notable, too, particularly since the ducks continue to hide until the end of hunting season this weekend.

This heron had the good sense of blocking the wind from the Sound by standing behind a huge log while standing directly in the sunshine:

Great Blue Heron Sunning

This heron was sunning, too, but started walking away after I spent a little too long focused on him.

Great Blue Heron

I’m hoping that some of this sunshine will stick around until next week when hunting season ends and I can look forward to seeing more ducks.

Scattered Sunshine

We actually got some scattered sunshine on Wednesday. Not enough to get to Nisqually or Belfair as I’d hoped to do, but enough to get out of the house and hit three different local areas, and get in a moderate walk.

Needless to say I took lots of pictures after being sun-deprived for so long. I really don’t trust my judgment on pictures unless they appeal to me in a year or so when I come back to them, but right now this is my favorite.

Pair Of Northern Shovelers