Unless You Look Down

If you can take your eyes off the mountain long enough, you will soon discover that the flowers are equally breathtaking. The new Visitor’s Center had a display of mountain flowers, and I was particularly struck by how far phlox, a rather dainty flower at first glance, roots penetrated the soil, making it possible to grow in places other flowers can’t. Needless to say, on this trip I saw phlox everyone,


though I’m not sure I ever noticed them before.

Of course, it’s impossible to look at flowers closely like these Asters

Bee on Aster

without also noticing the insects that thrive on them. On this day, the bees seemed to drawn to the purple flowers, whether Asters or Jacob’s Ladder.

Jacob's Ladder

In sheer numbers, the bees far outnumbered the butterflies,

Butterfly on Aster

but this butterfly, an Edith’s Checkerspot, I think, seemed everywhere I looked.

Best of all, the Indian Paintbrush was magnificent, whether the passionate pink variety that dominated lower altitudes,

Indian Paintbrush

or the lovely orange varieties that dominated at higher altitudes.

Indian Paintbrush

Everywhere Is Up

From the moment you arrive at the Sunrise parking lot, you find yourself looking up at the mountain.

Rainier from Sunrise Parking Lot

The further you climb, the larger the mountain looms as you begin to realize it consists of enormous ridge lines

Rainier Ridge

that dwarf any ridge lines

Ridge Line

you’ve already surmounted.

Arriving at the peak of the day’s hike, incredibly the mountain looms even higher than it did before you started your climb,

The Peak

and you’re left looking up.

We Are Family, Too

The best thing about last week’s trip to Mount Rainier was sharing it with Tyson and his family. As an avid environmentalist, I’m constantly amazed when people say we’re more concerned with trees and wildlife than we are people, and, as far as I am concerned, nothing could be further from the truth. Experiencing Nature is a vital part of what it has always meant to be “human.” The best times I’ve spent with my kids have been while hiking or backpacking.

Unfortunately, Tyson maintains a pretty hectic work schedule, and even though he was officially on vacation, he got a phone call when we were at Paradise, the only place you could actually get cellphone reception.

Tyson on Phone

It almost seemed heretical to me to be talking business while on the mountaintop, but here I was taking photographs for my blog instead of focusing on the moment and interacting with those who were there.

Loren Taking Photograph

Luckily, I was able to rationalize that I was taking photographs so that I and the others would remember this trip in the future.

I’m not sure that hiking is really Zoe’s favorite activity, but she’s actually a pretty good hiker, even if she’d prefer to listen to her iPod.

Zoe Walking Down Trail

It wasn’t long, though, before she’d put away her headphones and was helping us take pictures of the Avalanche Lilies along the trail, pointing them out before we could reach them.

Logan, the oldest, was an even better hiker and spent most of the day in front with Jen, except when he waited for us to catch up with him.

Logan Waits for us to Catch Up

I’m not too sure about Sydney, the baby, though. At this stage she wouldn’t even consider hiking without her iPod, and wanted to be carried much of the time.


Luckily she’s still young and hopefully before long she’ll be keeping up with her brother and sister. I’m pretty sure that her mother loves hiking or she wouldn’t have gone to all the effort it took to make this hike take place.

 Jen  and Waterfall

Personally, I don’t know of a better way to build family togetherness than to go camping and share the joy of a beautiful hike.

Not Just Snow

This year’s increased snowfall has enhanced the beauty of Mt. Rainier’s many rivers and waterfalls.

Innumerable small falls line the road to Paradise.

Small Falls

Paradise Creek

Paradise Creek

seems more river than creek.

Narada Falls seems more magnificent than usual.

Narada Falls

Further down the mountain, Christine Falls

Christine Falls

causes traffic jams as drivers pull off the road to photograph it.