No Snow Here


in neighbor’s gardens may
trumpet Spring’s arrival
but true Northwesterners know
one must seek out

to discover
has truly arrived !

2 thoughts on “No Snow Here”

  1. These photos and words are so life-affirming, Loren!

    Several months after a friend of mine committed suicide on his 50th birthday, I had a split-second dream in which I saw daffodils in the sun. As I woke up, I laughed out loud, remembering him saying to me when I looked at him oddly when we were in our 20s, “You know, you’re a little daffy yourself.” I was so relieved that he had seen me clearly. The dream told me that I had come to a turning point in my grief. I could laugh again. It seemed that he had sent me a reminder of our daffiness, our humanity.


    The true end of war is the rebirth of life;
    the right to die peacefully in your own bed.
    The true end of war is the end of fear;
    the true end of war is the return of laughter.
    (Alfred Molano)

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