The Best I Could Do Wednesday

We got one partially sunny day this week, so even though I’d already spent two hours exercising I called Joe and we spent the afternoon walking Nisqually.

As always when I walk with someone else, they manage to spot something I would have missed entirely if they hadn’t been there. Wednesday Bob spotted this mink swimming across the creek:

We really didn’t see anything else I haven’t seen before. The most exciting moment might have been when a Great Blue Heron landed in the creek beside the trail, so close I couldn’t back up far enough to get anything more than this head shot of him:

Strangely enough, it’s the second time in less than two weeks I’ve been so close to one of these that I think I could have reached out and touched it. Now, if the Belted Kingfishers and Green Herons would just be so accommodating, I could have a great birding year.

What I’m discovering after two years of birding is that I’m probably going to have to be satisfied with getting better pictures of birds I’ve seen before rather than expecting to see a new bird every time I go out.

I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with this close-up of a Northern Pintail, still my candidate for one of the prettiest ducks around, even if he lacks the bright colors of some other ducks.