Too Busy to Pose

It’s tough to get decent bird photographs right now because parents are busy taking care of chicks and don’t have time to stand around showing off their latest finery or attract other members of their species with elaborate songs.

Heck, you’re lucky just to catch a glimpse of a Bullock’s Oriole mother carrying a juicy tidbit for her young:

female Bullock's Oriole

see an American Coot showing a chick how to gather its own food,

American Coot with Offspring

or see a Killdeer distracting predators

Kill Deer Distracting Predators

from two small chicks

Killdeer Chick

who I would never have seen if I wasn’t so fascinated with Killdeer.

Birding Eastern Washington

I spent two days this last week birding in North Eastern Washington, mostly in Okanogan county and finally got the sunshine, in spades, I’ve been craving. I’d forgotten how unforgiving shadows can be with that intense of light, but when everything lines up you can also get some great shots. (Now, if things would just line up occasionally.)

Unfortunately, the birding was better than the photography, but I suspect you always get the best photographs in areas you’re familiar with, places where you learn exactly where to be to get the best light and where and when to find species you want to photograph.

Still, it’s nice to get another picture of a Western Kingbird,

Western Kingbird

that I’ve seen in several of my visits to Eastern Washington and Colorado but never see locally.

I’m sure this my first ever shot of an Eastern Kingbird.

Eastern Kingbird

I’ve gotten closer shots of a Red-Naped Sapsucker, but always in the shade,

Red-Naped Sapsucker

so its hard to say which photograph is better.

Of course, we also ran into birds that we see here quite often, like this Cedar Waxwing,

Cedar Waxwing

which I probably wouldn’t have included if it hadn’t been for the natty hairdo.

As Beautiful As Ever

I’m long past the point of judging whether or not a butterfly is beautiful, or more beautiful than previous shots. Each has their own individual beauty and are just as beautiful as the first time I saw them.

However, Dawn pointed out one I don’t remember seeing before that was quite striking,


and, though the wings look familiar, I don’t ever remember seeing a body that looks quite like this,

Black and white body

and I’m pretty sure I’ve shown this one before, but it surely deserves a second look.

Black and Orange Butterfly

At the “Circus”

On Monday Dawn took her kids and their friends to the Pacific Science Center, and Leslie and I were invited to help chaperone. As usual, the Butterfly Garden was the highlight for me, but I suspect Lael enjoyed the Circus Exhibit the most, though it had little to do with the “scientific” aspects of the exhibit.

At first Lael seemed to have a mild case of stage-fright


and was willing to do little more than put on costumes and pose rather self-consciously

Strong Woman

but got much braver when her mother joined in on the act.

Animal Tamer

As did several other adults who suddenly appeared,

Let's Everyone Play!

which, in turn, inspired Lael to become even more adventurous.
