A Brief Visit to the Redwoods on the Way Home

After years of trying to capture the beauty of the Redwoods with the most expensive camera equipment money can buy, and failing miserably, I still couldn’t resist taking pictures with my iPhone on our way home from Santa Rosa, and, realistically, they’re almost as good as ones I’ve taken previously when I used a top-of-the-line Canon with wide-angle lenses.

No matter how many times we stop here on the way home, I am amazed by the size and

Redwood Canopy

height of these trees, 

Leslie Dwarfed by Redwoods

so tall they seem to block the sky itself.

Redwoods Blocking the Sky

If it weren’t for the shattered giants blocking the trail, you might think these giants were immortal.

Shattered fallen Redwood

Unfortunately, I still haven’t discovered how to create pictures that convey the awe-inspiring magnitude of these forests or that convey how being made to feel so insignificant can also be liberating.