
In a rare stroke of good luck, the bursitis in my knee disappeared enough that we could take advantage of an unusual sunny spell.  So, last Sunday we headed out through the morning fog to Theler Wetlands.  The tide was unusually high and we didn’t see a lot of birds, but the light was beautiful.  I tried to get a shot with my iPhone but somehow ended up making a .mov, so I borrowed this shot from Leslie, who uses her phone to take pictures a lot more than I do.

It’s clear that winter, at least our PNW version of winter, has arrived.  It was a frosty morning which made me want to snuggle with my winter gloves, but a 600mm lens isn’t very effective for close-ups of plants so I took my gloves off so that I could take shots with my iPhone. I thought the ice on the edges of the fern made their shape even more striking than usual.

The brilliant greens and reds of the holly made it clear why they were so important in winter rituals in earlier times.

Personally, I thought the ice clinging to the hardy leaves made them equally beautiful, but I’ll have to admit that it would be difficult to maintain that beauty inside next to a roaring fire.

Luckily, I find the muted colors and frosted leaves 

quite pleasing.