Just Hanging in There

It’s been a hectic, stressful couple of weeks around here broken up by a few delightful moments. Ted’s Memorial was last Saturday, followed by Mother’s day on Sunday, and Ted’s Birthday on Monday, which seemed a lot like the Devil’s Trifecta to me. Thankfully, Paul and Margaux stayed with us two nights, as did Mira.

Needless to say, Mira wasn’t about to sit around the house for two days remembering Ted, so we found ways to entertain her to and to divert ourselves. She really wanted to walk to the Zoo, but we convinced her that it would be almost as much fun to walk down and see the Rhododendron Garden. I doubt she was entirely convinced, but once we started walking she seemed quite happy holding Paul’s hand.


Nothing like an enthused five-year old to enliven a walk in the sun, even if we couldn’t convince Leslie to totally disconnect from the world for awhile.

It would be hard to imagine a nicer day, cool enough to walk comfortably,

 walk through Rhododendron Garden

while sunlit Rhodies dazzle.

The next day we spent the afternoon at Cory and Margarets’ house where everyone took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to enjoy the Sound.

group portrait

It’s hard to beat a combination of sunshine, water and exercise to lift your spirits.

Margaux and Margaret kayaking

Though Leslie claims to be an introvert, the last few weeks have shown she’s certainly more of an extrovert than me. I did enjoy getting together with several of Ted’s best friends but I found the memorial exhausting and, no matter how enjoyable each day turned out to be, I needed all the time alone I could find to sort out my feelings or to simply escape from having to think at all.

Every time I think I have all this stuff all sorted out and resolved in my head, the rashes on my hands and feet tell me otherwise and dreams wake me in the middle of the night to discover Leslie laying there awake.

Meanwhile Low’s new album The Invisible Way

serves as background music for much of the time I spend at the computer. I’m not sure if it reinforces or alleviates the sadness I feel, but it certainly resonates with me at the moment and that’s enough for me at the moment.