Finally, a Break in the Clouds

When the sun came out yesterday I, and lots of other folks, headed for Point Defiance where the highlight of the day was the fuchsia garden.

Unfortunately, with so many people walking through the garden the hummingbirds refused to stop to sip from the numerous flowers, leaving nearly as quickly as they entered the garden.

However, this White Crowned Sparrow wasn’t nearly as shy, posing repeatedly.

White Crowned Sparrow

It would have been nice if it had been a little quieter, but it’s hard to resent those who’ve gathered to celebrate some of summer’s most beautiful flowers, like this fuchsia appropriately named Santa Bells:

Fuchsia.Santa Bells

And it wasn’t people alone that were out and about, as the bees and butterflies seem suddenly reminded that Fall is not far away.

Small butterfly

Of course, neither I nor the bees totally abandoned the dahlias

Pruple Dahlia

for the fuchsias

A Morning at the Zoo

After we dropped big brother Gavin off at soccer practice, Lael and I decided to visit the Pt. Defiance Zoo. We were the first in the gate, and it seemed that all the animals were rather laid back,

Sea  Otter

barely awake,

Musk Ox

or wide-eyed but not quite ready to move.

Wood Duck

Only one seemed determined to cover as much ground as possible as quickly as possible:

On the Move

Great Ball of Fire

I reviewed the chapter on the Sand Creek Massacre in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, looked outside at the brilliant sunshine, and decided today was a much better day to go to the Rose Garden than to sit staring at a computer screen trying to express my indignation at a massacre that I first got exposed to in the movie Soldier Blue right after I’d returned from Vietnam.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately for my sanity, I’ve always found it easier to see the beauty in nature than to stay focused on the insanity that is modern life. In fact, one of my most vivid memories from Vietnam was the realization right after a battle just how beautiful the area was where we were stationed, a memory that returned to me every time I read Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage.

There were very few people at Pt Defiance Rose Garden today, and even fewer seemed to notice that the first dahlias had started to bloom. I’ve noted in the past that I’m actually fonder of the dahlias than I am of the roses, and today was no exception.

In fact, after I noted this old-fashioned dahlia with it’s brilliant red rays spreading from the sun-like-center


and this equally beautiful ball of fire


I thought the roses might seem shabby in comparison.

I was wrong,

Red Rose

as the brilliant roses seemed more than able to hold their own.

Pt. Defiance Rose Garden

The last time I was at the Point Defiance Rose Garden a few weeks ago, there was virtually no flowers to be seen. What a difference yesterday. If you live near Tacoma and like Roses, you owe it to yourself to get here soon, as this looks like the peak of the season for roses . Almost every variety had some flowers in full bloom,

Orange Rose

but it was clear that there were a number of ladies-in-waiting when these beauties started to fade. Luckily the Rose Garden has a long season.

Rose with Rose Buds

But, judging from the Irises I observed, you’d better get there soon if you want to see beauties like this

White Iris

as the iris seem to be disappearing quickly.