Swallows at Theler

Although we didn’t see as my swallows as I had expected to see on our latest trip to Theler, we did see three varieties commonly found there.

I expected Tree Swallows to be lining the railings on the boardwalk; instead, I found a single Tree Swallow hanging out on the barbwire near the lone birdhouse still standing.

Tree Swallow

The only bird I saw sitting on the railing was this Violet-Green Swallow, and it was so far away that  I didn’t get a very good shot even with my telephoto lens.

Violet-Green Swallow

I also expected to see Barn Swallows nesting under the boardwalk or bringing nesting materials back to build new nests, but I didn’t see one until we got back to the Salmon Center at the end of our hike. 

Barn Swallow

We’re looking forward to gradually visiting places where we need to use our car rather than just crossing the street and walking into Pt Defiance Park, though I’ll have to admit that it has been pleasant rediscovering parts of the park I’ve forgotten since Skye died.

At least it’s nice to know that life out there seems to be proceeding as usual, even if our life is anything but usual.