Best of All

The five days we spent at the Oregon coast were delightful for many reasons, but most of all because it gave me a chance to catch up with the Colorado Websters. It was fun talking with the kids over the campfire at night while cooking S’mores or while they were taking a break.

Leslie and I  got more exercise than usual walking the beaches, but we didn’t even try to keep up with them most of the time. On the last full day Jen rented them wet suits and boogie boards, and we sat on the logs and watched Zoe, Logan, cousin Harley, and Sydney head out to their new adventure.

They spent the next four hours goofing around in the water.

Sydney, the youngest, enticed the family dogs into the water, 

and Tyson and Jen kept them happy with a run up and down the beach.

We sure can’t keep up with them anymore, but it was fun spending five days trying to catch up with everything we missed since we saw them last year.  

One thought on “Best of All”

  1. Good to see your grandkids are so active, outdoorsy and not the stereotype American McDonalds fed obesity sufferers.

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