Make Lemonade

Although sunshine was forecast for much of the rest of the week, it was cloudy our last day in Santa Rosa. Undeterred, I took my camera on our walk along the Santa Rosa creek.

If I’d known what I was actually looking at, I would probably have been thrilled at sighting a small flock of Western Bluebirds, a bird I only occasionally see in the mountains. Truthfully, I didn’t know what it was until I opened my shots in Lightroom. It was hard to tell what was sky and what was bird until I maxed out the controls and was left with a grainy, but recognizable, shot of a female Western Bluebird.

I probably should just have junked the shot, but it looked so much like a watercolor that I decided to play around with it in Photoshop and ended up with a picture I liked.

This shot of a Yellow-Rumped Warbler

was actually saveable, but I liked the Bluebird treatment so much that I decided to apply the same effect to this shot and liked this better than the original picture.