Things Are Looking Up

As usual, after recent trips to Theler Wetlands, I walked the Port Orchard marina in search of birds. One day the sun actually broke through the morning fog. Throughout most of November, all I saw were gulls and Pelagic Cormorants,


both year-round residents.

On my last trip, though, I finally caught sight of small flocks of Baird’s Goldeneye,


a female Red-Breasted Merganser.


a pair of Hooded Mergansers,


and a pair of Horned Grebes in winter plumage.


I was delighted. Now, I can look forward to birding in two places in a single morning and, more importantly, I can justify heading over to Port Orchard for my chile relleno.

Did I Miss November?

I finally downloaded the pictures that have been sitting in my camera since my trip to Colorado. No wonder I can’t remember the last time I went birding. I managed a total of three days of birding in November, and two of those three days, despite my best efforts to get out on sunny days, were cold and foggy. No wonder I was in no rush to download and post the shots.

This shot of a Great Blue Heron tucked inside his winter coat is pretty representative of the mornings I spent at Theler Wetlands.


Of course, it doesn’t help that it’s also duck hunting season, and you can’t walk the wetlands without the echoing of shotgun rounds going off in the distance.


Ducks are scarce when hunters are out, but walkers are still greeted by songbirds close enough that they aren’t obscured by the fog,


like this Spotted Towhee.


Desperate for color,
Focus on frosted rose hips still holding
on to Summer’s beauty.

Signs of The Times

Leslie took Wednesday off and we treated ourselves to a movie. Although there’s a number of movies we’re interested in seeing this Christmas season, we decided to see Trumbo which was only playing in Federal Way. That’s a little further than we usually drive to see a movie, but her brother Jeff had written a few days ago that it was well worth seeing so we made the drive.

Good decision. I haven’t seen many movies this year, but Trumbo is my favorite so far, though not quite up to the standards of previous year’s favorites “Up” or “Despicable Me.” I prefer what I call “small” movies. I’m interested in character development, not action movies, and definitely not violence.

In other words, Trumbo seemed written with me in mind. The McCarthy Era epitomized the kind of invasive government that makes me fear government surveillance, no matter how benevolent, or, necessary, it may seem to government authorities. Having grown up during the Cold War and having regularly practiced huddling under my desk in case of a nuclear attack, I recognized the irrational behavior that inspired politicians to use fear to gain political power. Unfortunately, it’s not too hard to recognize parallels between those politicians and Trump’s call for targeting the families of terrorists, though it’s not clear whether he was inspired by McCarthy or by Mexican drug cartels. (Would killing terrorist families include assassinating a 9-year-old boy in an alley, or would it rely solely on drones?)

If the movie had just been about how awful the House Un-American Activities Committee was, I wouldn’t have enjoyed it very much because I had learned about their tactics long ago from a Portland State film teacher who had been blacklisted. What was really moving was seeing how the House Un-American Activities Committee’s tactics personally affected so many people, especially Trumbo and his family. The scenes of Trumbo in prison were frightening, but his desperate attempts to make a living afterward were even more moving because he alienated himself from the people he loved most, his family, while trying to provide a living for them.

Luckily John Wayne had already alienated me with The Green Berets, or I would have been devastated by his portrayal in the movie. It was hard seeing a childhood hero turn on his fellow actors and movie producers the way he did. One of the greatest revelations of the movie for me was how different actors and directors reacted to the blacklist.

We decided to end a pleasant morning with lunch at a Greek eatery in the commons. Just as our food arrived out at the entrance there arose such a clatter from the entrance that I nearly dropped my Gyro. Shoppers scattered as a large black man ran by closely pursued by a policeman. The woman pushing the baby carriage quickly disappeared through the door briefly opened by the ice cream store vendor. Not hearing gunshots, I figured it would be safe to continue eating our lunch. I must admit, though, I wasn’t quite ready for what I saw at the entrance when we left nearly twenty minutes later. There were at least six police cars with lights flashing while three or four policeman tried to lift up the handcuffed shoplifter who had obviously been tasered. Hoping not to witness another example of police brutality, I was somewhat reassured by two black women who worked at the mall say they were glad to see the man arrested, that he was “a bad man.”

Sitting here listening to Bing Crosby’s Christmas album, it’s hard to miss the irony of celebrating the holiday season by viewing a movie that depicts our government ignoring its Constitution while pursuing imaginary enemies, followed by a close encounter of the wrong kind. It’s enough to make me wonder if I shouldn’t shut myself in and turn off all media until Christmas has passed. Unfortunately, I need WIFI access in order to purchase Christmas gifts from Amazon.