At the Tropical Butterfly Garden

It was a teacher day Friday, so Dawn suggested I take Lael and Gavin to the Pacific Science Center. Gavin, as it turned out, didn’t really want to go, but he was willing to go if he could take a friend. I didn’t have a problem with that since I figured three happy kids would be easier to handle than one happy and one unhappy one.

When we got there, Gavin and his friend went off to explore by themselves with phone and explicit directions on where and when to meet. Lael and I took off to visit the dinosaur exhibit on the way to the Tropical Butterfly House, Lael and my favorite place at the center.

We finally got there after considerable grandpa nagging, but things didn’t start out well as the temperature change caused my camera to fog up, really fog up. Even after waiting a considerable time, removing the lens filter, and wiping everything down once or twice, this was the best shot I got the first time around.

fogged image of butterfly

Unfortunately, I could’ve taken better pictures with my iPhone.

I was particularly frustrated because there were several new butterflies this visit, particularly this brilliant orange variety.

Bright Orange Butterfly

Luckily, Lael happilly entertained herself identifying flowers

Lael with Flower

while I worked at eliminating the fogging.

About the time I began to sweat, the camera finally warmed up to the temperature inside the TROPICAL Butterfly Garden.

Brown and Orange Butterfly