A Lazy Sunday Morning

If you and your spouse spent Friday baby sitting four grand kids five and under, trying to entertain some

while the others just kept coming and going

If you’ve spent the weekend cleaning up your computer room, attempting to clean up your hard drive while wondering where the hell all those strange files come from, not to mention innumberable cookies that have violated your personal space, and finally adding memory to your computer.

Then you might be ready to take a brief break from such activities.

I certainly am. If so, here’s a couple of neat places to spend some time.

First, there’s the National Gallery of Art which offers some splendiferous online exhibits, my favorite so far being the Mayan exhibition, but also offers, if you’re into indulging your inner child like I am, the mobile maker,not to mention a number of art projects for those of us still finding our way.

Then, courtesy of via negativa I spent awhile visiting truetao.org listening to the music while reading some refreshing quotations from the Tao Te Ching which somehow seemed appropriate on a moody, cloudy morning here in the Pacific Northwest.