Fall at Theler

We managed to sneak in a Sunday morning visit to Theler Wetlands between grandkids’ soccer games this weekend. Although it’s still been relatively clear and warm here so far this year, it was clear that Fall is upon us this visit.

Enveloped in clouds and dark skies, it was nearly impossible to identify this as a Merlin until I’d tweaked it on my computer,


and nothing says Fall clearer than the honking of a flight of Geese as they pass.

It was glad to see the Green-Winged Teal return to the refuge, but knowing there will be plenty of time to get shots of them in the next six months I focused, instead, on the less-often-seen Yellowlegs.

It looks a lot brighter in this shot than it actually was thanks to RAW, but I was a little frustrated about how far away they were on our first trip through the refuge

I got much closer on the return trip and the sun had finally burned through the clouds.

Actually, I managed to get so close that I had a hard time keeping the Yellowlegs in the frame but the sun wouldn’t cooperate.

Hard to beat a day where you find beauty coming and going.