A Zip a Dee Doo Dah Kinda Day

On Sunday’s visit to Theler Wetlands I went out on the boardwalk to see whether there were any Tree Swallows resting on the railing as there usually is in late Spring and in the Summer. I only saw three birds on the railing, and, as it turned out, only two of them were actually Tree Swallows. The furthest bird looked too big to be a Tree Swallow, but it wasn’t until I looked through the lens that I realized that it was a Western Bluebird,

a bird I’ve only seen once before, and that was in Santa Rosa.

John had told me that his birding group had seen a small flock of Bluebirds before, but I hadn’t seen them on previous visits and really wasn’t expecting to see one.

It didn’t look like the Bluebird was particularly happy to see me, perhaps because we hadn’t been formally introduced.

Like the Tree Swallows, though, it wasn’t about to leave. It kept flying up ahead and landing down the boardwalk.

Finally when it ran out of boardwalk it flew off to some nearby residences.

It looked like it was really trying to make itself at home. If so, perhaps I look forward to seeing it again in the near future.