At Least There’s Always Great Blue Herons

There’s always a let down when I return from an exciting vacation, but it’s hard to complain since I’m retired and at worst I’m stuck in front of a computer trying to decide which of the many shots I’ve taken best reflect the beauty I see every day.

The rain has continued since we’ve returned, but I’ve still managed to get out in the field with camera one or two days a week even if it has been cool and cloudy in the morning. Spring seems to be on the way, but we’re mainly seeing birds that have been here since Fall.

Luckily, I can count on Great Blue Herons standing guard whenever we visit Theler Wetlands

and even on the grayest, drabbest morning the sight of a Great Blue Heron landing in front of me

inspires me to take yet another shot.

Sometimes the fog allows me to get so close I can almost become one with this Chi master,

belonging here as surely as he does.