Snowy Egrets

Since I never see Snowy Egrets here in the Pacific Northwest, I’m always pleased when I get a chance to photograph them close-up as I did at Lake Ralphine on my recent trip. I often have seen this one near the boat dock, hunting the edge of the lake.

I’ll have to admit that I’m so used to seeing them in California sunshine that I think of them as being brilliantly white, as shown in this shot against the blue water.

Snowy Egret

It’s no wonder that it’s beautiful feathers were once sought after by rich and fashionable ladies.

Since this one often poses on the rocks near the edge of the lake, I’ve had good luck getting shots of its legs and feet,

Snowy Egret

which still fascinate me. I was amazed to realize that they actually have toenails on those four toes.

I usually discard shots where I’ve cut part of the bird out of the frame, but I really liked this headshot of the egret hunting in the shade.

Snowy Egret

I’m just glad I’m not the frog or fish that he’s hunting, as it seems more ferocious than beautiful from this angle.