The Grand Tetons

Although the main reason for my trip to Colorado was to visit Tyson and his family, I’ll have to admit I was really looking forward to seeing the Grand Tetons on the way back. In fact, I’ve longed to see them ever since I saw their picture in an ad for National Parks. I wasn’t disappointed.

I think it was a shot very like this one

Grand Tetons

that originally drew my attention. Of course, the picture is made up of six different shots photomerged, and it looks better covering the screen. Still, I love the way the mountains rise straight out of the desert.


Grand Tetons

is a much less traditional shot, but I love the reflections of the Tetons in the lake and the contrast it provides to the above shot.

I spent the morning of the last day of my trip stopping and taking pictures of the Tetons every few miles, much the way I take pictures of birds. As a result, I ended up with a hard drive full of shots. This one probably works best at a 620 pixel width, though it’s not my favorite shot.

Grand Tetons

It was a great morning, made even more enjoyable by meeting Pierre Sudry and his wife visiting from France.

Visitors from France

I noticed them at one of the first places you can pull off the road to get a long shot of the Tetons. I didn’t think much of it then, but after we stopped at the same pull out several times I walked over to talk to them. Luckily, they understood English better than I remembered my college French so we were able to share some of our wonder at what we were seeing. This picture was taken at my last stop in Grand Tetons National Park.