Vantage Washington

This week’s trip to Eastern Washington was light on birds, heavy on scenery. Although I used to travel to Eastern Washington often, I haven’t been there much in recent years, which probably explains why I was so struck by this view of the Columbia River from Vantage. I’d forgotten what a contrast this vast body of water makes against the rocky cliffs and arid land.

Columbia River From Vantage

When we reached the boat launch shown in the lower left-hand side of this photo I looked up to see an Osprey fly over head. If I were superstitious I would wonder if this bird has become my animal talisman, as it seems to appear magically wherever I go this year,

Osprey Overhead

although I can’t remember ever seeing it before last year.

However, since Ospreys have become so commonplace, I was even more excited when it elicited a warning cry from this family of Common Loons floating down the river:

Loon Family

I love the call of a loon floating over the water, and without the cry I doubt I would have noticed them since they were so far away.

5 thoughts on “Vantage Washington”

  1. hi loren, the blue is overwhelming! i’d say that the osprey appears to tell you something. which doesn’t mean you’re superstitious but rather that you have ears, eyes, a heart and a spirit!!!! good journeys for me are always accompanied by crows. pretty commonplace, but they are right there looking at me as i leave. have a peaceful evening. steven

  2. I like the three of these together. The view from Vantage is my favorite. The Columbia Gorge is magnificent, isn’t it?

  3. On day’s when it’s sunny like it was Wednesday.

    You’ll notice it was different colored, browner, when you saw it from ground level. I suspect that’s the grass and cliffs reflecting off it.

    I think the dams filter out most of the dirt that might have run into it.

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