Vantage Washington

This week’s trip to Eastern Washington was light on birds, heavy on scenery. Although I used to travel to Eastern Washington often, I haven’t been there much in recent years, which probably explains why I was so struck by this view of the Columbia River from Vantage. I’d forgotten what a contrast this vast body of water makes against the rocky cliffs and arid land.

Columbia River From Vantage

When we reached the boat launch shown in the lower left-hand side of this photo I looked up to see an Osprey fly over head. If I were superstitious I would wonder if this bird has become my animal talisman, as it seems to appear magically wherever I go this year,

Osprey Overhead

although I can’t remember ever seeing it before last year.

However, since Ospreys have become so commonplace, I was even more excited when it elicited a warning cry from this family of Common Loons floating down the river:

Loon Family

I love the call of a loon floating over the water, and without the cry I doubt I would have noticed them since they were so far away.