Who Says You Can Never Go Home Again?

I’m home after a long, eventful week in Colorado. I got to see Sydney go from starting to walk to virtually sprinting across the room, I got to see two of Logan’s soccer “games,” and, best of all, I got to go on two memorable hikes with people I love.

Boy, am I glad to be home. For someone who claims to have no “routine,” I’m glad to get back to mine. This morning I finally finished deleting nearly 500 spam emails. (Apparently someone used my email address to spam the world, and I got all the rejection notices.) I’m looking forward to doing something a little more productive later in the day.

Skye and I just finished our morning walk, splashing along in the rain that awaited me when I landed last night. Normally I might complain, but it seemed like an appropriate welcome after trying hard not to become dehydrated in Colorado, and not always succeeding.

I have an 11 o’clock appointment with my doctor to see if if ended up with bronchitis from the cold I got in Colorado. Most of the time it doesn’t bother me, but when I really exert myself, like the last quarter mile on Saturday’s hike at the top of the Rockies, I’m wracked with coughing.

Sometime today I’ll restart my two-a-day, breathing exercises and tonight I’ll start back on learning the Tai Chi form we’ve been working on since January.

It somehow seemed appropriate that there was a new poetry book that was back ordered a long time ago waiting at the door when I got home last night.