A Sunny Weekend

Perhaps my little robin friend was a charm for Spring as the weather took a decided turn for the better this weekend, even though some rain is back in the forecast for next week.

We took off Saturday’s to return to Port Townsend. I’d been told that was one of the best places to find Loons. If it is, they were definitely holding a picnic on another part of the beach, because we didn’t see anything that looked like a loon.

Surprisingly, we actually saw fewer birds than we saw when we did here in late fall. Still, it was sunny, and it’s hard to go wrong walking along the beach in the sunshine, birds or no birds.

Instead of finding new ducks, we had to settle for observing new shorebirds, a species I have little luck identifying. We encountered a number of them on the first beach we visited when we startled these guys

as we nearly stepped on them as we walked along the beach. Though far from positive, I think the small birds were Black Turnstones, perhaps named because when they’re foraging among the rocks they’re nearly the same color as the rocks. You can only see the white underside when they move into the water.

In Port Townsend I saw my first Brants, which were busy defending their territory from other Brants that tried to land nearby.

Strangely, they seemed to have no problem sharing their little stretch of beach with these much smaller Sanderlings, who at first glance looked and sounded a lot like the Turnstones we saw earlier.