Rocky Mountain High

Posting will at best be sporadic in the next few days as I’m on my way to Colorado tomorrow to babysit Logan Riley for the next week and a half.

Since I won’t see the grandkids here for the next week or two I also spent most of the last two days visiting Kel and Gavin and their parents.

Here’s a picture I took of Kel at the beach in front of his house last night:

I’ve set up my iBook so that I can communicate with my web site and two of my three email accounts so I won’t have to close comments in order to eliminate the pornographic comments but I’m afraid the nventure account will probably be inaccessible while I’m gone.

I’m taking my digital camera and three books on Chinese literature, so there’s certainly the potential for some serious posting (if Logan is taking naps now), but I’ve proven remarkably unproductive during past vacations, so don’t worry too much about me if you don’t hear anything for the next week and a half.